Scriptwriting (assignment 1)
As a writer theres a lot of things you need to do before you idea starts production. A writer has to get the 'greenlight' for their idea an script. The 'greenlight' is given by the commissioning editor who is a senior employee of broadcaster and responsible for selecting ideas for the broadcaster. To get the 'greenlight' the commissioning editor must authoritise a particular budget and approve of the plot/storyline of the writers idea. After the commissioning editor gives the 'greenlight' for production they have creative input and oversee the production. The role of a producer in the commissioning process is to oversee financial, legal and administration of the production. Producers also hire the cast, whether it be in actors/actresses in film or television or voice actors/actresses in games. An example of a producer is the gaming world is Sam Houser who is a producer on the GTA game franchise The director is responsible for taking the writers ideas...