Editing techniques

Continuity editing is the process of combining shots that are related or different shots cut from a single shot cut into a sequence to direct viewers to a existing consistency across both location and time. Non-continuity editing is the editing technique of mismatching shots to mess with the impression of time. This disturbs the audiences impression of reality. An example use of non-continuity editing would be a flashback or a montage.

I am going to analyse a section of several clips and evaluate their use of specific editing techniques. I will explain the type of technique used in each clip, then I will explain my believed purpose of said technique.

Battle Potemkin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=laJ_1P-Py2k  

There is a lot of different editing techniques in this clip, one techniques are "Dissolve Fading". dissolve fading could've been used for many reasons, one of these reasons is the fade, which will give the audience the feeling they are on the edge of their seat. I believe the technique achieves its intended purpose of trying to grasp the audiences attention, this is vital for the film as it is a silent film.

The silent film also uses quick cuts. The film uses quick cuts to give the audience a sense of urgency and dread. The cuts of people running down stairs, make the audience feel the sense of urgency the characters feel, while also being concerned for the characters safety. The worry for the characters is then furthered by cutting to shots of soldiers walking down stairs. The sense of intensity continues to rise when it cuts to a baby in a buggy falling down the stairs. By cutting to worried onlookers this gives the audience a representation of themselves and gives them the feeling they are in the movie

Way Down East: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lI2e3pXat54  

The second clip I will be analysing shows an example of early parallel editing. The purpose of this technique is to grab the attention of the audience. The meaning of the editing technique is to allow the audience to follow what is going on in the film. This is achieved by the specific use of the editing technique parallel editing. This technique alters two or more scenes that often happen simultaneously but in different locations. The desired effect could be that they want the audience to know what is going on in different places at the same time within the film. The film uses  three different locations shots within this clip. The audience are shown an ice land that is melting, then the audience is shown a woman lying down, then finally a character running across the ice.
These three shots are very effective when its comes to engagement and makes the audience feel sorry sorry for the character within the clip. This means the film was successful with its use of the editing technique.

The silence of the lambs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ts1x6uADFtM

The meaning of this short film clip was to mislead the audience and to surprise and get the audiences attention. The technique parallel editing is again used to achieve the meaning and purpose. The two scenes used in the technique in this clip are the antagonist is keeping someone, and armed police are approaching a house, with caution and guns. The use of parallel editing leads the audience to believe that the police are approaching the house of the antagonist with the hostage. It is then revealed to the audience the there is no one in the house and an agent was alone at the right house. 
The technique achieves its purpose of tension and surprise through leading the audience down a false path.

Rocky III: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4soF2wigKSM

The purpose of this clip is to show the audience how rocky is progressing and getting better, while also showing his determination and will to learn. The use of the editing technique montage allows them to show his improvement in training while also progressing the film and condensing his training into a series of shots. The montage is successful as it gives the audience a lot of information about rocky and his training with apollo in a short amount of run time.
The use of the montage is also successful in retaining audience attention, as the film show the audience what they need to know in short takes with consistent improvement from rocky. It is also helped by the score and use of 'Eye of the Tiger' which builds up anticipation for the audience.

Team America: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhWiTORp22k

The purpose of the clip of this film is comedy and progression within the character and film. The use of editing technique montage is used but it is used in a spoof capacity. This is clear by the song used in the background, the lyrics used tell the audience that if you want to go from a beginner to a pro you need a montage and with every shot you see improvement. The purpose of comedy and progression for the character is successful.
It is also successful as it engages the audience and even though it uses what is a bit of a cliche, the film doesn't stray away from what they done and uses the song in the background as comedy, telling the audience what the montage is for.


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