As a writer theres a lot of things you need to do before you idea starts production. A writer has to get the 'greenlight' for their idea an script. The 'greenlight' is given by the commissioning editor who is a senior employee of broadcaster and responsible for selecting ideas for the broadcaster. To get the 'greenlight' the commissioning editor must authoritise a particular budget and approve of the plot/storyline of the writers idea. After the commissioning editor gives the 'greenlight' for production they have creative input and oversee the production. The role of a producer in the commissioning process is to oversee financial, legal and administration of the production. Producers also hire the cast, whether it be in actors/actresses in film or television or voice actors/actresses in games. An example of a producer is the gaming world is Sam Houser who is a producer on the GTA game franchise The director is responsible for taking the writers ideas...
On 11/6/19, I took my cast and crew out to film internal and external scenes at my house. I had checked the weather reports on the news and on my phone in advance of my shoot to make sure we would not encounter any adverse weather, and had organised with cast and crew via the group chat a shooting time of 11am-5pm. Helping me with the camera was Tom, and Joe and Rob were the actors in the scene. We used classmate Joshs car to transport our equipment which consisted of a Canon 1200D digital camera and a tripod I had location scouted my own home was perfect as a location, as the size of the home and the tree line was perfect for an abandoned feel. To ensure that all cast and crew would be safe, we walked through the scene first to eliminate any trip hazards, and then set up to film. I wanted a combination of long shots and close ups. So I initially set up the close up with the tripod in the mirror, I then set up th...
Master scene script (All examples are from drama film 'Brooklyn') A master scene script is the accepted format for film production in the industry. It is purposely designed to be easy to navigate and read for producers to show potential investors, it offers both description and dialogue to make the story easy to follow and read, this means technical information is very limited in the MSS format. A master scene script must follow a few conventions to be read or considered by a commissioning editor. The font must always be courier and the size must be 12, slug lines and characters names in dialogue must be capitalised. Another convention of the master scene script is voiceover and offscreen must be abbreviated as V.O. and O.S. Footer at the bottom should say CONTINUED where a scene continues to the next page, the next page should have CONT. top left. A scene heading is known as a slugline, the slug line has three parts interior/exterior, location, time of day. These three are ...
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